Turistic Place


1.    DESCRIPTION    Presentación. (Turistic place)


 my name is Carlos cavadia I´m a learner of the software análisis and development program at SENA and this is the evidence corresponding to the video of  Presentación. (Turistic place).


Coveñas has had a notorious tourist development since the 1960s, initially oriented more towards the local and regional population. Since the 1970s, due to the characteristics of its sea, its beaches and the existence of a more adequate infrastructure to offer services and amenities to tourists, this field of coveñera economy began to have national significance and in the 21st century the hotel industry it has increased notably, offering tourist service options more adjusted to the current demands of modernity. The administration of the municipality has in tourism, a very important source of development possibilities in which to intervene positively so that it benefits the community and the region. This line of the economy must be one of the investment and support priorities of the municipality.




Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XezswbFatWw


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