Academic and job


Good night

My name is Carlos Andrés Cavadia Rodríguez.

 student of software analysis and development in the virtual modality

Instructor: María Eugenia Tijaro González


audio evidence GA3-240202501-AA1-EV02

 I am a responsible, honest, respectful person who likes to do things well both academically and at work.

 It is must, and legal, social and moral have to that commits me to comply with a certain action, assuming all my actions responsibly, to promote harmony, respect, integration, common well-being, healthy coexistence, service to the In addition, the security of people and property of the institution.

 In this academic part, i have to dedicate to the learning process the weekly hours indicated for each program, which allow compliance with the established hours, taking into account the schedule and methodology established by the Tutor.

Properly justify absences and/or non-compliance with training activities, promptly notifying the instructor. i must comply with the regulations and guidelines that are issued for your participation in scheduled activities.

 i have to enter the institutional virtual platforms, duly identified with the respective access code, personal with the username and password provided by the Entity, for access to the institutional virtual platforms they are for exclusive personal use, therefore, I do not must be transferred to other people.

 In the labor part I am a person who fulfills his obligations Therefore, i must fulfill my work, respect working hours, follow the employer's instructions. Keep the professional and business secret in the same way ensure the interests of the company.

 I think that for a good work environment to exist, there should be good communication between colleagues.

Thank you



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